Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ 2_Sales and Marketing

DQ 2_Sales and Marketing

Q You have been hired to do some marketing research for a candy company that sells its products mainly to kids that represent all races and economic levels. The company is leaning towards using the Internet to conduct the research. Their reasoning is that Web-based marketing research is easier, faster and cheaper than more traditional methods. Why might you persuade the company to think otherwise?

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First of all, as an employee to do marketing research, I will definitely congratulate them for selecting web-based marketing research as it is doubtlessly easier, very much faster and extremely cheap than doing market research physically. However, I should definitely inform them and make them understand the fact that if the main product of the company is candy then the organization should definitely think about doing market surveys and surveys in the local residential places and schools in order to acquire fresh and most realistic data. It would be definitely costlier than that of the web-based market research. However, the organization needs to consider the fact that if they would not pursue physical research then it would be difficult for them to further create successful products for their target market.